what is cosmic energy

what is cosmic energy

1 year ago 35

Cosmic energy is a term that has different meanings depending on the context. Here are the different meanings of cosmic energy based on the search results:

  1. Cosmic rays: These are high-energy particles or clusters of particles that move through space at nearly the speed of light. They originate from the Sun, from outside of the Solar System in our own galaxy, and from distant galaxies.

  2. Spiritual energy: Cosmic energy is one of the English translations of the Hindu term shakti. It refers to external spiritual energy and can also refer to prana, or the life energy that is the source of kundalini. Cosmic energy is thought to be a vital source that animates all forms of life and maintains the balance of the entire cosmos. It is present everywhere at all times, and people can purposely receive it by practicing spirituality, breathing techniques, meditation, yoga, tai chi, or other similar exercises.

  3. Life force energy: Cosmic energy is the highest form of life force that is omnipresent, omnipotent, and omniscient. It exists in the cosmos, between the galaxies, and in space. It is this energy that animates life and maintains balance in the entire universe. Other names used in Cosmic Energy are super-consciousness, higher consciousness, supreme consciousness, chi, and life force energy. Cosmic energy is a life force that flows through our bodies following predefined pathways referred to as chakras and through a field referred to as the aura. It’s this energy that nourishes the bodys cells, which in turn supports the organs in their functions. An interruption to the flow of cosmic energy results in diminished function, leading to negative thoughts and feelings.

In summary, cosmic energy can refer to high-energy particles that move through space, spiritual energy, or life force energy that flows through our bodies.

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