what is courtship in christianity

what is courtship in christianity

1 year ago 42

Christian courtship is a traditional Christian practice of individuals in approaching "the prospect of marriage". It is a mutual commitment made between a man and a woman to meet regularly for the purpose of knowing each other better and seeking Gods will with the aim of marriage one day if it is His divine will. Courtship is preceded by a proposal and traditionally begins after a betrothal and concludes with the wedding. The goal of Christian courtship is to ascertain God's will using Biblical principles so as to glorify Him.

Some practical guidelines for a healthy Christian courtship include being mentally, spiritually, and emotionally mature, recognizing one's gift for marriage or not having the gift of celibacy, praying and seeking God's will for marriage, and being ready for commitment in a serious relationship. It is important to have a clear understanding that if the courtship does not work out, both persons are to be mature enough to part as friends without resentment and with all due respect for each other's feelings.

Proponents of courtship say that it is identified by Biblical principles and that it is a response to secular dating culture in which various Christian communities might find themselves. Christian courtship remains normative in certain Christian countries such as Guatemala, in which much of the population belongs to the Roman Catholic Church. The practice of traditional Christian courtship among church members belonging to various Christian denominations experienced a revival in the 1980s.

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