what is couverture chocolate

what is couverture chocolate

1 year ago 33

Couverture chocolate is a high-quality chocolate used by professional chocolatiers and pastry chefs. It contains a higher percentage of cocoa butter (32-39%) than baking or eating chocolate, which gives it a superior flavor and texture. Couverture chocolate is ground to a finer texture during production, which produces a beautiful shine and a healthy snap when broken. It is used for dipping, coating, molding, and garnishing.

To be labeled as "couverture," the dark chocolate product must contain not less than 35% total dry cocoa solids, including not less than 31% cocoa butter and not less than 2.5% of dry non-fat cocoa solids. Milk chocolate couverture must contain not less than 25% dry cocoa solids.

Couverture chocolate is distinct from compound chocolate, which has a lower percentage of solids and contains non-cocoa fats. Good quality couverture shouldn’t contain any vegetable fats, such as palm oil, and small amounts of lecithin (usually from sunflower or soy) are added to improve the workability of the chocolate.

Couverture chocolate is ideal for tempering and dipping, and it is easy to work with. Before using couverture chocolate, it’s important to try it to see if you enjoy the taste, as good quality couverture can make a huge difference in flavor for filled chocolates and bonbons.

Couverture chocolate is available in dark and milk varieties, and it often comes in the form of drops, but it is also available as a bar or slab. Some popular brands of couverture chocolate include Amano, Callebaut, El Rey, Felchlin, Guittard, Lindt, Scharffen, and Valrhona.

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