CPF stands for "Cadastro de Pessoas FĂsicas" which means Natural Persons Registry in English. It is an 11-digit Tax ID issued when you register with the Brazilian Revenue Service. CPF is required not only to purchase real estate in Brazil but also for many other things such as paying taxes, opening a bank account, starting a company, getting utility services, purchasing online, and entering into contracts drafted in Brazil. CPF is mandatory for individuals who reside in Brazil and are part of the passive pole of the main or ancillary tax relationship, whether as a taxpayer or responsible person, as well as the respective legal representatives. It is also mandatory for individuals who carry out real estate operations of any kind in Brazil, have bank, savings or investment accounts, or operate in the financial or capital market in the country. CPF is also used as the main identification when filing tax returns in Brazil. CPF is a must for foreigners wanting to buy properties or live in Brazil. Getting a CPF will allow a foreign citizen to have access to many conveniences. CPF is not a mandatory procedure like the Federal Police Registration, but it is required for many services in Brazil.