Crazyhouse is a chess variant that is similar to bughouse chess, but can be played with only two players. In Crazyhouse, captured enemy pieces can be reintroduced, or dropped, into the game as ones own. This adds an explosive dynamic to the game, as players can use their captured pieces to create new threats and opportunities. The standard rules of chess apply to Crazyhouse, with the following additions:
- When you capture an opponents piece, it is placed in your "pool" of pieces and you can "drop" it on an empty square on your turn.
- Pieces may only be dropped on empty squares.
- You may drop a piece to give check or checkmate.
- Pawns may not be dropped on the first or eighth ranks.
Crazyhouses notation system is an extension of the standard algebraic notation. A drop is notated by inserting an at sign between the piece type and the destination square unless the dropped piece is a pawn, in which case no piece type is stated. For example, N@d5 means "knight is dropped on d5."
Crazyhouse is a fun and creative chess variant that allows players to put their tactical vision to the test. To play Crazyhouse on, players can go to the "Play Live" tab, click on the chessboard icon, and choose Crazyhouse.