Crippling anxiety is a severe form of anxiety that can significantly interfere with the ability to function in day-to-day life. It is characterized by persistent excessive worry, difficulty concentrating, irritability, muscle tension, sleep anxiety, or sleep disturbances. While everyone experiences moments of stress and nervousness, individuals experiencing crippling anxiety feel like they are held hostage by their worries, making it difficult to perform normal activities such as eating, sleeping, and focusing on tasks. The exact cause of crippling anxiety is unknown, but it is believed to be a combination of genetic predisposition and environmental factors. Crippling anxiety symptoms may include feelings of fear, panic, or a general unsettled feeling, feeling “on edge,” feeling irritable and even angry, difficulty sleeping, nausea, stomachaches, and digestive upset, dizziness, feeling unsteady, headaches, neck pain, muscle tension, racing thoughts, and nightmares.
If you are experiencing crippling anxiety, there are steps you can take to ease your symptoms. Treatment options include psychotherapy, medication, stress management techniques, and support groups. In addition to treatment options, you can learn to cope by practicing breathing and grounding techniques. It is important to recognize the signs of crippling anxiety to determine if your anxiety has gotten to where intervention may be required. If you are struggling with crippling anxiety, seeking professional help is recommended.