A credit card has two different balances: statement balance and current balance. The statement balance is the amount you owe at the end of a billing cycle, while the current balance is the amount you owe at a particular moment. The statement balance is the sum of all the charges and payments you made during one billing cycle, and it remains the same until the end of the next billing cycle. On the other hand, the current balance is a more "real-time" view of what you owe on your credit card, and it reflects all of the purchases, interest charges, fees, and unpaid balances on your credit card at the time you check it. The current balance may fluctuate as you continue to make purchases using your credit card, and it may be higher than the statement balance. Pending transactions arent reflected in your current balance until they post, and choosing to pay your current balance in full will eliminate the balance on your card temporarily, but pending transactions, fees, and interest charges may post later and require additional payments. Its important to keep an eye on your current balance because youll eventually have to make payments on it.