Cutlery in Zomato refers to the plastic spoons, forks, tissues, and straws that are provided with food orders. Previously, cutlery was provided by default with every order, but Zomato has changed this to an opt-in feature. Customers now have to explicitly request for cutlery, tissues, and straws if they need them, instead of having to opt-out of receiving them. This change was made to reduce the use of plastic and save up to 5,000 kilos of plastic waste in a day. According to Zomato, a single plastic spoon can take 200-500 years to decompose naturally, and millions of such spoons are consumed every day. By making cutlery an opt-in feature, Zomato hopes to encourage customers to actively choose whether they need cutlery or not, and reduce the amount of plastic waste generated by food delivery orders.