what is cvm

what is cvm

1 year ago 40

CVM can refer to different things depending on the context. Here are some possible meanings:

  • Cardholder Verification Method: CVM is a method used to ensure that a credit card being used in a purchase is in the possession of its owner. It is used to enhance the security of the ordering experience and help detect any fraudulent use of the card. The CVM security code is a 3 or 4 digit code imprinted on the physical credit card, but not embedded or encrypted in the magnetic stripe. The CVM is sometimes referred to as CVV2 or CID.

  • Congenital Vascular Malformations: CVM is a medical condition that refers to abnormally formed blood vessels in and around the brain and spinal cord. They may be harmless, but some cause bleeding or lymph fluid leaking, pooling under the skin, forming painful lumps. CVMs occur in about 1% of all births and can vary from simple, flat birthmarks to complex, 3-dimensional structures deep within the body. They can be made up of arteries, veins, lymph vessels, or a combination of these. They are usually present at birth, but are unlikely to be passed on from parent to child or for there to be more than one in any given person.

  • Customer Value Management: CVM is a business tool that measures a company’s customers’ view of the perceived value for money delivered relative to that of their competitors’ customers. It is sometimes known as a Customer Value Added (CVA) approach. CVM is a powerful business tool as it links customers to KPIs by directly measuring the drivers of purchasing behavior and the impact these have upon delivering KPIs such as market share, profit and loss, recommendation, share of wallet, ROI, etc. .

  • Center for Veterinary Medicine: CVM is a center within the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) that ensures animal drugs are safe and effective, properly made, and adequately labeled and packaged. CVM also ensures that when food-producing animals, such as cattle and chickens, are treated with an animal drug, food made from those animals, such as meat, milk, and eggs, are safe for people to eat. CVM educates pet owners, animal producers, veterinarians, and the animal health industry about the products it regulates. However, CVM does not provide veterinary advice, regulate the practice of veterinary medicine, or regulate vaccines for infectious animal diseases, like rabies and distemper.

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