what is daisys destruction

what is daisys destruction

1 year ago 265

Daisys Destruction is a 1-hour long video that features the torture and rape of an 18-month-old infant named Daisy by three adults, including Peter Scully, who sold the video on his dark web child pornography website called "No limits fun" for up to $10,000. The video depicts severe physical abuse, including whipping, burning, and sexual abuse, carried out on the children by one of Scully's girlfriends, who was formerly trafficked as a child. The video was first released onto the dark web in 2012 and quickly garnered attention by law enforcement and media due to its content. Daisy's Destruction is one of the most extreme examples of a red room, which is a live stream of a person being tortured and eventually killed, and they can even interact with the victim. The video has been used as evidence in several criminal cases, including the case of a former middle school teacher who was sentenced to over 12 years for receipt of child pornography after retrieving and viewing the video via the dark web. Daisy's Destruction is a disturbing and illegal video that has caused immense harm to the victims and their families.

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