what is data at rest

what is data at rest

1 year ago 52

Data at rest refers to data that is physically stored on computer data storage in any digital form, such as cloud storage, file hosting services, databases, data warehouses, spreadsheets, archives, tapes, off-site or cloud backups, and mobile devices. It includes both structured and unstructured data and is subject to threats from hackers and other malicious actors who may attempt to gain access to the data digitally or steal the data storage media. To prevent unauthorized access, modification, or theft, organizations often employ security protection measures such as password protection and data encryption.

Key points about data at rest include:

  • It is data that is stored, rather than moving from one place to another (in transit) or in use by software.
  • It is at risk from accidental damage, hackers, and insider threats.
  • Data at rest includes personal information regarding customers and employees, as well as vital financial details and business plans.

Its important to note that data at rest is a valuable target for attackers, and breaches of sensitive data at rest can result in mandated public disclosure of the breach, reductions in sales and share price, and serious damage to the organization’s reputation. Therefore, protecting data at rest with advanced encryption and a secure data analytics platform is crucial.

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