Debouncing is a technique used to remove unwanted input noise from buttons, switches, or other user input. It prevents extra activations or slow functions from triggering too often. Debouncing can be done in hardware or software. In hardware, a simple debouncer can be made with passive components, while in software, a general debouncing function is used instead of writing new code for each input activity.
In programming, debouncing is when a function filters user input before triggering the action. Improperly debounced user input can cause bad performance, double activations, or user frustration. A debounce function is a higher-order function that returns another function, to create closure around the function parameters (func, timeout) and the timer variable.
Debounce time is the amount of time it takes for a switch to register a key press or mouse click. Debouncing is a programming practice used to ensure that time-consuming tasks do not fire so often that it stalls the performance of the web.
Here are some examples of how debouncing can be implemented in JavaScript or other programming languages:
- For a website that has a submit button to place an order, if a user double-clicks the button, they may accidentally buy the order twice. A debounce function would ensure that only one request is submitted.
- For a site that takes input from a text box with an autofill or suggested search box, debounce can ensure that the search function is not called too frequently, which can slow down the website.
- Debounce can be used to delay the execution of a function until a specified time to avoid unnecessary CPU cycles and API calls and improve performance.
Debounce is a practical solution used in real-world applications to improve performance and demonstrates that you understand the tools to write good code for real users.