what is debugging in python

what is debugging in python

1 year ago 46

Debugging in Python refers to the process of identifying and fixing errors in a computer program. A debugger is a program that can help developers find out what is going on in a program. The following are some key points about debugging in Python:

  • Debugger: Python comes with a built-in debugger called pdb (Python Debugger) which is defined as the class Pdb. It allows developers to step through code, analyze stack frames, set breakpoints, and more.

  • Breakpoints: Breakpoints are specific lines of code where the program execution will pause so that developers can inspect the state of the program at that point. Breakpoints can be set using the pdb.set_trace() command.

  • Post-mortem debugging: This refers to entering debug mode after the program has finished executing. pdb supports post-mortem debugging through the pm() and post_mortem() functions.

  • Debugging modes: There are different ways to run a program in debug mode depending on the IDE or editor being used. For example, in PyCharm, developers can use the selection-based debug mode to execute a specific line of code.

Overall, debugging is an essential part of the software development process, and Python provides developers with a built-in debugger to help them identify and fix errors in their programs.

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