what is deodorant

what is deodorant

1 year ago 135

Deodorant is a skincare product that helps to keep your underarms smelling fresh by preventing or masking body odor due to bacterial breakdown of perspiration or vaginal secretions. It is typically applied to the armpits, groin, or feet, and works by increasing the skins acidity, making it less attractive to bacteria. Deodorants are often alcohol-based, which initially stimulates sweating but may also temporarily kill bacteria. They can be formulated with other antimicrobial ingredients such as triclosan or metal chelant compounds like EDTA to slow bacterial growth. Deodorants may also contain perfume to mask odor.

The main difference between deodorant and antiperspirant is that deodorant masks odor, while an antiperspirant reduces how much you sweat. Antiperspirants are formulated to prevent underarm sweating and wetness by temporarily plugging the sweat ducts with aluminum compounds. On the other hand, deodorants do not block sweat ducts and target smell instead. Some people may opt for deodorant only if they do not sweat much.

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