what is deposition in science

what is deposition in science

1 year ago 40

Deposition is a process in which matter, usually particles of sediment, rocks, or soil, is added to a surface. It is a geological process in which sediments, soil, and rocks are added to a landform or landmass. Deposition occurs when the forces responsible for sediment transportation are no longer sufficient to overcome the forces of gravity and friction, creating a resistance to motion. Deposition can occur through various means, including wind, ice, water, and gravity.

Some examples of deposition include:

  • Wind: Wind can transport sediment such as sand, which can then be deposited and build up sand dunes.

  • Water: Water can transport sediment such as pebbles, sand, and mud, which can then be deposited and create features such as alluvial fans.

  • Ice: Ice can transport sediment such as rocks and soil, which can then be deposited and create features such as moraines.

Deposition can also refer to the buildup of sediment from organically derived matter or chemical processes. Deposition is a process that follows erosion, which is the removal of particles from a landscape.

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