what is dielectric grease used for

what is dielectric grease used for

1 year ago 38

Dielectric grease is a silicone-based grease that repels moisture and protects electrical components against corrosion. It is an electrical insulator or dielectric and is used to keep dirt, water, and other elements out of electrical connections. It is most commonly used on automobiles but has a wide range of uses from traffic lights to marine applications. Here are some of the most common uses of dielectric grease:

  • Battery terminals
  • Spark plug boots
  • Bulb sockets
  • Trailer connectors
  • General electrical connections
  • General plastic or rubber lubrication

Dielectric grease acts as a lubricant, a sealant, an insulator, and a protectant. It is not a conductor of electricity, but it helps to prevent arcing and corrosion by keeping moisture out of electrical connections. When applied properly to electrical sockets, plug wires, or fittings with a good, tight mechanical connection, dielectric grease helps to keep water and moisture out of the electrical system, prevents rubber gaskets from drying and cracking and seizing, and helps mitigate any dust or alkaline contamination that could cause corrosion and early deterioration of wiring and connectors.

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