what is digital library

what is digital library

1 year ago 93

A digital library, also known as an online library, an internet library, a digital repository, a library without walls, or a digital collection, is an online database of digital objects that can include books, magazines, audio recordings, video recordings, and other documents that are accessible electronically. Digital libraries are often used by public libraries, university libraries, and private companies. They can provide users with access to rare and out-of-print materials that might be difficult or impossible to locate in physical libraries. Digital libraries also offer a variety of search and sorting features, as well as social media-like features that can connect users with others to discuss topics.

A digital collection, also known as a digital library, is any collection of files that has been digitally preserved and is accessible on the internet or through software. A digital library may contain manuscripts, newspapers, books, journals, images, audio, and video. Digital libraries are user-friendly ways to organize and view newly-digitized collections.

In summary, a digital library is an online database of digital objects that can include books, magazines, audio recordings, video recordings, and other documents that are accessible electronically. They are often used by public libraries, university libraries, and private companies, and can provide users with access to rare and out-of-print materials that might be difficult or impossible to locate in physical libraries.

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