what is digital workplace

what is digital workplace

1 year ago 44

A digital workplace is a virtualized form of the traditional, in-person office environment, where many elements of collaboration and productivity are performed through some combination of digital applications, cloud computing, and other technology. It is an ecosystem of workplace technologies that allow companies to effectively collaborate and converse, whether employees are working remotely or in the office. The digital workplace experience provides personalized, role-based services as well as the data, applications, and collaboration tools required for employees to work from anywhere, on any device, at any time.

Digital workplaces can be deployed for small, local groups of employees, or they can be set up for multiple offices or branches, whether they are located in different cities, states, or countries. Digital workplace solutions can integrate any number of devices, software, and hardware, and can be as simple as email and instant messaging, virtual meeting tools, cloud resources like storage and processing, and shared social media or business applications.

The benefits of a digital workplace include increased agility, flexibility, productivity, and revenue, as well as accelerated innovation. Digital workplaces help organizations build deeper relationships and a strong culture, which can help increase productivity, improve overall business performance, and increase company loyalty. Employees’ job functions are surrounded by this new digital experience, which puts employees themselves at the heart of the digital workplace.

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