what is distance education

what is distance education

1 year ago 39

Distance education, also known as distance learning, is a method of education where the learner and the teacher are separated in both time and distance. It is a technology-mediated modality that has evolved with the evolution of technologies such as video conferencing, TV, and the Internet. Traditionally, distance education involved correspondence courses where the student corresponded with the school via mail. Today, it usually involves online education and the learning is usually mediated by some form of technology.

Distance education can be used to provide education to students who may not always be physically present at school, or where the learner and the teacher are separated in both time and distance. It can also provide a broader method of communication within the realm of education. With the many tools and programs that technological advancements have to offer, communication appears to increase in distance education amongst students and their professors, as well as students and their classmates.

Distance education can be offered for students of all ages, from high school students to working professionals. It can make education more accessible for learners in rural areas or those who experience challenges with traditional education. Distance learning courses are offered for students of all ages. High school students can take additional courses to speed up graduation, students in University or College can attend a school anywhere in the world without the relocation expense, and working professionals can enhance their skills by accessing distance learning programs.

Distance education can be synchronous or asynchronous. Synchronous distance education occurs when the instructor and the students interact in the same place and at the same time, while asynchronous distance education occurs when the instructor and the students interact in different places and during different times.

Institutions worldwide now offer distance education courses from the most basic instruction through to the highest levels of degree and doctoral programs. Distance education has become an established part of the educational world, with trends pointing to ongoing growth.

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