what is dots in powerlifting

what is dots in powerlifting

1 year ago 40

In powerlifting, DOTS stands for Dynamic Object Team Rating System, which is a scoring system used to compare the strength levels of lifters adjusted for body weight. It is a ratio between a lifters body weight and the weight they are lifting, and higher numbers are better. The DOTS calculator is a tool that is commonly used in powerlifting to help level the playing field when comparing athletes of different body weights. The calculator takes into account an athletes body weight, gender, the type of event they compete in, and some additional information to calculate a comprehensive view of their performance. The DOTS calculator was first introduced in the late 1980s by a powerlifter named Michael Soong, who developed it as a way to provide a more fair and accurate scoring system for powerlifting competitions. Despite some criticisms, the DOTS calculator remains a popular tool in powerlifting and is used by many athletes and coaches to help track progress and compare performances across weight classes.

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