what is drop foot

what is drop foot

1 year ago 41

Foot drop, also known as drop foot, is a condition characterized by difficulty in lifting the front part of the foot. It is often caused by compression of a nerve, leading to weakness or paralysis of certain muscles in the foot. Some common causes of foot drop include nerve injury, lumbar radiculopathy, sports injuries, slipped disc in the spine, and hip or knee replacement surgery. The condition can affect one foot and may lead to a dragging of the foot when walking, a condition known as steppage gait.


  • Difficulty lifting the front part of the foot
  • Foot dragging on the ground when walking
  • Steppage gait, causing the foot to slap down onto the floor with each step
  • Numbness in the skin on the top of the foot and toes in some cases

Diagnosis and Treatment

  • Diagnosis is usually done through a physical exam, where the healthcare provider observes the patients gait and checks for leg muscle weakness and numbness.
  • Treatment depends on the cause and may include the use of braces or splints, physical therapy, nerve stimulation, and surgery, depending on the severity and underlying condition.

Its important to seek medical attention if foot drop is experienced, as it can increase the risk of tripping and falling.

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