Dua is an Arabic word that means invocation, supplication, or request, even asking for help or assistance from Allah. Muslims are encouraged to supplicate to Allah to ask for any matter in life, whether in times of goodness or hardship, in daily prayers or outside of them, and for anything they need in their lives, no matter how trivial it may be. Dua is considered a profound act of worship in Islam, and Muhammad is reported to have said, "Dua is the very essence of worship". Muslims take great care to record the supplications of Muhammad and his family and transmit them to subsequent generations.
Some common duas that Muslims can make include forgiveness, increased sustenance, improved health, getting married, having children, excelling in school, landing a new job, and more. Muslims can make dua for anything as long as it is good and halal. There are numerous duas with various purposes in the Qur’an and Sunnah of the Prophet, and Muslims are highly encouraged to recite them for their benefits in both worlds. Muslims can also personalize their dua by making it in their own words and in a language they are comfortable with for better contemplation.
It is important to note that some exceptional cases should be brought to attention. Some duas may not be immediately or completely granted by Allah, and He may eventually bestow something else that is even better. Some duas may not be answered at all for some reason, as Allah is All-Wise and All-Knowing about what is best for His servants. Muslims should also confess their shortcomings and repent for their sins during dua, as it is a conversation with Allah and an appropriate time to unburden oneself and seek forgiveness.