what is duet in tiktok

what is duet in tiktok

1 year ago 29

A duet is a feature on TikTok that allows users to post their video side-by-side with a video from another creator on the platform. The feature contains two videos in a split screen that play at the same time. To duet with another users video, you need to find the video you want to duet with and tap the Share button on the side of the video. Then, tap Duet at the bottom of the sidebar menu on the right. You can choose from the filming options on the side panel and tap the Record button to start and stop your recording, then tap the check mark. After editing your video, you can adjust your settings, write a caption, and tap Post.

It is important to note that not all videos have the Duet feature enabled, and you must have a public account to allow others to Duet with your videos. In your account privacy settings, you can choose who can Duet with your videos. If you allow others to Duet with your video but then change your settings to limit who can use your video or you delete your video, any existing Duets that have already been made will remain on TikTok.

In addition to dueting with another users video, you can also add your own sound or a voiceover to a TikTok duet. A Stitch on TikTok is similar to a duet, but instead of your video playing simultaneously next to another users from start to finish, in a Stitch, a portion of the original TikTok will play.

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