what is dutch oven slang

what is dutch oven slang

1 year ago 42

According to the search results, "Dutch oven" is a slang term that has two different meanings:

  1. A cooking pot with a tight-fitting lid that creates an oven-like environment, ensuring food is cooked in a manner similar to being made with the help of an oven.
  2. A "game" in which one person traps another under a blanket or duvet after a pungent rectal emission in order to "share" the odor.

The second meaning is the most commonly referred to in the search results. It is a prank where someone farts in bed and then pulls the covers over their partners head, trapping them in the stench of the gas. The term "Dutch ovening" is used to describe this action. The term is believed to have originated in the early 2000s and has since become a popular potty humor term.

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