Dynamics in music refer to the variation in loudness between notes or phrases). It is one of the expressive elements of music and can help musicians sustain variety and interest in a musical performance, and communicate a particular emotional state or feeling). Dynamics are indicated by specific musical notation, often in some detail, and require interpretation by the performer). There are two main categories of dynamics: static dynamics and changing dynamics. Static dynamics are musical instructions that tell us to play the music at a certain volume that doesnt change, while changing dynamics refer to variations in loudness, such as crescendo (gradually getting louder) and decrescendo (gradually getting softer). The most common dynamic markings, from quietest to loudest, are pianissimo (very soft), piano (soft), mezzo-piano (medium soft), mezzo-forte (medium loud), forte (loud), and fortissimo (very loud). Dynamics can add interest, emotion, and drama to music, and are essential to express the composers intentions and the performers interpretation.