what is eba in icici bank statement

what is eba in icici bank statement

1 year ago 35

Based on the search results, it is unclear what "EBA" refers to in an ICICI bank statement. The term "EBA" appears in a tweet from a customer who had debit and credit entries in their ICICI account connected to ICICI Direct, but it is not clear what these entries represent. The European Banking Authority (EBA) is a regulatory body that oversees lending institutions, investment firms, and credit institutions in the EU internal market, but it is unlikely that this is what "EBA" refers to in an ICICI bank statement. The other search results provide information on common service charges for ICICI bank accounts, the movement of funds between client accounts and clearing corporations, and how to decode bank statements, but none of them mention "EBA" in the context of ICICI bank statements. Therefore, it is recommended to contact ICICI bank customer service for clarification on what "EBA" refers to in a bank statement.

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