what is ela in school

what is ela in school

1 year ago 50

ELA stands for English Language Arts, and it refers to the study of the English language and literature in academic settings. It encompasses reading fiction and non-fiction texts, as well as writing, speaking, listening, grammar, punctuation, spelling, vocabulary, and literary analysis. ELA is a core subject in most schools in the United States and Canada, and it is usually taught as a separate subject in elementary and middle schools. In elementary school, the focus is on developing basic reading, writing, and speaking skills, while in middle school, the focus shifts to developing advanced literacy skills, such as close reading and analytical writing. High school students are expected to develop analytical skills through reading novels, essays, and other forms of literature, and to analyze, interpret, and discuss written material in order to compare, contrast, and discuss elements like theme, characters, and plot. The ELA program provides students with rich and rigorous educational opportunities that address literacy skills in reading, writing, speaking, and listening across disciplines, and it engages students in both traditional print formats and interactive multimedia to increase their capacity to be digital citizens and learners.

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