what is eleuphrat cream used for

what is eleuphrat cream used for

1 year ago 36

Eleuphrat cream is a high potency topical corticosteroid used to relieve the inflammatory and pruritic manifestations of corticosteroid-responsive dermatoses. These dermatoses include atopic eczema, infantile eczema, nummular eczema, contact dermatitis, neurodermatitis, anogenital and senile pruritus, lichen planus, intertrigo, psoriasis, seborrhoea, and psoriasis of the scalp. Eleuphrat cream is applied topically to the affected area of the skin twice daily, and for some patients, adequate maintenance therapy may be achieved with once daily application. Eleuphrat lotion is also available and is indicated wherever hair impedes access to the skin in the treatment of corticosteroid-responsive dermatoses, particularly on the scalp, chest, and underarms. It is important to note that administration of topical corticosteroids to children should be limited to the least amount compatible with an effective therapeutic regimen.

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