Emergency management, also known as disaster management, is the managerial function charged with creating the framework within which communities reduce vulnerability to hazards and cope with disasters. It is an all-encompassing term for the many ways that individuals, families, and communities have organized to prepare for and respond to disasters since the dawn of time. Emergency management seeks to promote safer, less vulnerable communities with the capacity to cope with hazards and disasters.
Key principles of emergency management include being comprehensive, progressive, risk-driven, integrated, and collaborative. Emergency managers consider and take into account all hazards, all phases, all stakeholders, and all impacts relevant to disasters. They anticipate future disasters and take preventive and preparatory measures to build disaster-resistant and disaster-resilient communities. Emergency managers use sound risk management principles in assigning priorities and resources. They ensure unity of effort among all levels of government and all elements of a community. They create and sustain broad and sincere relationships among individuals and organizations to encourage trust, advocate a team atmosphere, build consensus, and facilitate communication.
Emergency management is not just about responding to emergencies, but also about mitigating, preparing for, responding to, and recovering from disasters. It involves coordinating and managing resources and responsibilities pertaining to the mitigation of, preparedness for, response to, and recovery from an emergency. Emergency management activities are conducted across all hazards and through the phases of mitigation, preparedness, response, and recovery.
The field of emergency management has diversified, with many managers coming from a variety of backgrounds. Educational opportunities are increasing for those seeking undergraduate and graduate degrees in emergency management or a related field. There are over 180 schools in the US with emergency management-related programs, but only one doctoral program specifically in emergency management. Disaster management training is generally conducted at the local level and consolidated through professional courses that can be taken at the Emergency Planning College. Diplomas, undergraduate and postgraduate qualifications can be gained at universities throughout the country.