Emotional availability refers to the ability to make and hold emotional connections with others in relationships. It involves being open, authentic, and vulnerable, and making room for other peoples feelings as well. Being emotionally available requires trust in a partner and the ability to express emotions in healthy ways. On the other hand, emotional unavailability refers to the inability to sustain emotional bonds in relationships. Emotionally unavailable people may struggle to express or handle emotions, find it challenging to talk about their feelings, and avoid certain topics or situations that involve emotional expressions. They may view intimacy as a threat to their emotional security and keep their relationships very casual and distant. Emotional unavailability can involve commitment and intimacy fears, and may be caused by life circumstances, mental health conditions, or relationship toxicity or abuse. Emotional availability applies to building both romantic and platonic relationships, and recognizing emotional availability in oneself is important for building healthy relationships. Emotional availability can be developed over time through practice and effort.