what is employability skills

what is employability skills

1 year ago 37

Employability skills, also known as soft skills, are a set of transferable skills and personal attributes that are highly valued by employers and essential for effective performance in the workplace. They are skills that are not specific to one particular career path but are useful across all employment sectors. Employability skills tend to be non-technical skills that help make an employee impactful. They are often higher cognitive skills that require creativity, critical thinking, and other important social and emotional abilities. Employers typically seek qualities such as how candidates manage their time, collaborate with others, and think critically about problems.

Examples of employability skills include:

  • Communication skills
  • Teamwork and collaboration
  • Problem-solving skills
  • Time management
  • Adaptability and flexibility
  • Leadership skills
  • Creativity and innovation
  • Critical thinking
  • Interpersonal skills
  • Reliability and dependability
  • Integrity and honesty

Employability skills are essential for building a successful career and are highly valued by employers. They are the building blocks of a career and are useful in nearly every job. To identify your employability skills, you can start by listing all the activities you have been involved in through study, work, and extracurricular opportunities. For each activity, list the responsibilities you had, the skills you used, and qualities you demonstrated. Use this information to compile a list of the employability skills you have developed that are relevant to your field of expertise. Developing and improving your employability skills can help you stand out to employers and increase your chances of success in the workplace.

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