what is enema

what is enema

1 year ago 39

An enema is a medical procedure that involves injecting fluids into the rectum to cleanse or stimulate the emptying of the bowel. Enemas have been used for years to treat constipation and similar issues, as well as to clean the bowel before any test or surgery. Enemas can also treat fecal incontinence, a condition in which the stool leaks from the rectum unexpectedly. There are different types of enemas, including cleansing enemas, return-flow enemas, and retention enemas. Some types of enema include:

  • Cleansing enema: This procedure is water-based and includes holding the injection in the rectum for a short time to flush the colon thoroughly. Your body then releases the stool within a few minutes. Cleansing enema is further divided into two types:

    • Large volume enema: It is an effective treatment for constipation as it cleanses a large part of the colon. The fluid amount used in this type is 500-1,000 ml. The doctors may ask you to hold the fluid in your anal opening for a long time to release the stool completely.
    • Small volume enema: It is used to clean the lower part of the colon. The fluid amount used is less than 500 ml. It is recommended to people who are not constipated from the upper part of the colon.
  • Return-flow enema: Also known as Harris flush, a return-flow enema is a type of enema that involves injecting a small amount of fluid into the rectum and then immediately withdrawing it. This process is repeated several times to help loosen and remove fecal matter from the colon.

Enemas can be administered by a healthcare professional or self-administered at home. If you plan to administer an enema at home, make sure that all of the equipment you are using has been sterilized and that you have a lubricant on hand. It is important to follow the instructions carefully to avoid injury or complications. Enemas can be effective in treating certain medical conditions, but regular enema use can cause serious health problems. Because of the risks involved, a person should only use an enema for medical reasons.

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