what is enjambment poetic device

what is enjambment poetic device

1 year ago 84

Enjambment is a poetic device in which a sentence or phrase continues from one line of poetry to the next without any punctuation or grammatical pause. It is the opposite of end-stop, which is when a line of poetry ends with a natural pause or punctuation mark. Enjambment allows poets to create a poem that flows freely and emphasizes unexpected beats and words for the reader. It is often used to minimize the difference between the sound of verse and the sound of prose, creating a poem that flows freely.

Enjambment can create a sense of suspense, urgency, and complexity in poetry. It can also evoke a variety of emotions in readers as they try to understand the meaning of the enjambed lines. Enjambment is a significant poetic device that has been used for many hundreds of years.

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