what is enrollment number

what is enrollment number

1 year ago 93

Enrollment number can have different meanings depending on the context. Here are some possible definitions:

  • Definition 1: Enrollment number refers to the number of students who enroll in the first year of a given program in the previous academic year. This number varies each year, according to the number and quality of applicants. It is not a cut-off point or enrollment limit, but a general guideline.

  • Definition 2: Enrollment number can be a unique number allotted to a student on their admission in the University. This number can be used as a system ID and remains unchanged throughout the students time at the University.

  • Definition 3: Enrollment number can be used interchangeably with registration number in some cases, but not in others. In graduation, the registration number is a unique college student ID generated for college purposes, whereas the enrollment number is given by the University and is used in examination or result purposes only. In other cases, enrollment number can refer to the admission number for registration number during the time of admission.

  • Definition 4: In some cases, enrollment number can be a student enrollment ID number, which is not listed anywhere on the front-end of the application. This number can be pulled from the back-end of the application using advanced list.

It is important to note that the definition of enrollment number can vary depending on the context, and it is always best to refer to the specific definition provided by the organization or institution in question.

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