Epic poetry is a lengthy narrative poem that tells the story of the heroic journey of a single person or group of persons. It is one of the oldest forms of storytelling and typically recounts extraordinary feats and adventures of characters. Epic poetry is written in verse and is characterized by its formal, elevated style, diverse terrains, and supernatural elements. The plot often involves myths, histories, or religious tales and centers around the feats, strength, or courage of an epic hero. The protagonist engages in an action of great mythic or historical significance. The word "epic" comes from the ancient Greek epos meaning word or poem. Famous examples of epic poetry include the Sumerian Epic of Gilgamesh, the ancient Indian Mahabharata and Rāmāyaṇa, the Persian Shahnameh, the Ancient Greek Odyssey and Iliad, Virgils Aeneid, the Old English Beowulf, Dantes Divine Comedy, the Finnish Kalevala, the German Nibelungenlied, the French Song of Roland, the Spanish Cantar de mio Cid, the Portuguese Os Lusíadas, and John Miltons Paradise Lost.