what is epicureanism

what is epicureanism

1 year ago 39

Epicureanism is a system of philosophy founded around 307 BCE based upon the teachings of Epicurus, an ancient Greek philosopher. Epicurus was an atomist and materialist, following in the steps of Democritus and Leucippus. Epicureanism flourished in the Late Hellenistic era and during the Roman era, and many Epicurean communities were established in places such as Antioch, Alexandria, Rhodes, and Herculaneum.

Key features of Epicureanism include:

  • Atomism: Epicurus believed that everything in the universe was made up of atoms, which were indestructible and eternal.

  • Materialism: Epicurus believed that the universe was made up entirely of matter and void, and that there was no supernatural realm or divine intervention.

  • Hedonism: Epicurus believed that pleasure was the highest good and pain was the greatest evil. However, he emphasized the importance of simple pleasures and the avoidance of excess.

  • Empiricism: Epicurus believed that knowledge came from the senses and that reason should be used to interpret sensory information.

  • Ethics: Epicurus believed that the purpose of life was to achieve happiness through the pursuit of pleasure and the avoidance of pain. He also believed in the importance of friendship and community.

Epicureanism was an influential philosophy in its time and continues to be studied and discussed today. It was revived during the Renaissance and early modern periods, and certain aspects of Epicurus thought were embraced by thinkers who rejected traditional religious and philosophical views.

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