what is epsom salt used for

what is epsom salt used for

1 year ago 36

Epsom salt is a naturally occurring mineral salt that is a chemical compound made up of magnesium, sulfur, and oxygen. It has been used for hundreds of years to treat a variety of ailments ranging from constipation to eclampsia. Here are some of the uses and benefits of Epsom salt:

  • Relaxation: Epsom salt is often used in a warm bath to help relax muscles and loosen stiff joints. It can also help relieve stress and promote relaxation.

  • Pain relief: Epsom salt is known to ease pain and relieve inflammation, making it beneficial in the treatment of sore muscles, bronchial asthma, and migraine headaches.

  • Skin care: Epsom salt can be used as a beauty product to exfoliate and soften skin. It can also help soothe sunburned skin and relieve itching from poison ivy or other skin irritants.

  • Constipation relief: Epsom salt can be taken as a supplement to help ease constipation. However, it is important to follow the recommended dosage and not to ingest too much, as it can cause dehydration and other medical issues.

It is important to note that while Epsom salt has been used for centuries to treat various ailments, most of the reported benefits are anecdotal and not well researched. More research is needed to fully understand its functions and benefits. Additionally, it is not recommended to use Epsom salt in a hot tub, whirlpool, or other tub, as it can cause damage to the tubs components.

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