what is ergo

what is ergo

1 year ago 55

Ergo is a next-generation smart contract platform that ensures the economic freedom of ordinary people through secure, accessible, and decentralized financial. However, the term "ergo" has other meanings as well. According to Merriam-Webster, "ergo" is an adverb that means "for that reason" or "therefore". It is often used to show a logical conclusion. For example, "Birds are warm-blooded animals, and reptiles are cold-blooded animals; ergo, no bird is a reptile.". Ergo is also the name of a cryptocurrency that uses a programmable blockchain without gas fees. Ergo provides a platform where developers can create decentralized applications (dApps) similar to Ethereum, but without gas fees. Ergo uses a proof-of-work model for mining new coins and validating transactions, and its mining algorithm, called Autolykos, is designed to be resistant to both large mining pools and ASICs, making it a more efficient proof-of-work model.

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