what is ets military

what is ets military

1 year ago 38

In the United States military, ETS stands for "Expiration - Term of Service" and refers to the date that a service members enlistment, reenlistment, or extension of enlistment expires. This date is important for many reasons, including preventing a break in military service, ensuring eligibility for reenlistment bonuses, and avoiding interruptions in retirement point accumulation. The ETS date is determined by adding the number of years enlisted to the Date of Enlistment (DOE) and subtracting one day. Service members can find their ETS date by logging into the vMPF application on the Air Force Portal or by searching for "AFPC Secured Applications" using their internet browser. As the ETS date approaches, service members should begin preparing for their transition to civilian life, including thinking about their ideal job, updating their resume, and scheduling appointments. Upon separation from active duty, service members receive Form DD214, which verifies their military service and is necessary for receiving Veterans Administration (VA) benefits).

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