what is eucalyptus oil used for

what is eucalyptus oil used for

1 year ago 84

Eucalyptus oil is an essential oil derived from the oval-shaped leaves of eucalyptus trees, originally native to Australia. It has a woodsy-sweet scent and is known for its many health benefits. Here are some of the ways eucalyptus oil is used:

  • Mosquito repellent: A special kind of eucalyptus oil called oil of lemon eucalyptus (OLE) has a chemical called PMD that repels mosquitoes and other bugs.

  • Clear stuffy nose: Eucalyptus oil fights respiratory infections by killing bacteria, viruses, and fungi. It is used in saline nasal wash and causes the tiny hair-like filaments in your lungs that sweep out mucus and debris from your airways to move faster.

  • Ease arthritis pain: Eucalyptus oil is used in creams and ointments to relieve muscle and joint pain.

  • Post-surgery painkiller: Eucalyptus is a key ingredient in some topical analgesics. It works by bringing a cold or warm sensation that takes your mind off the pain.

  • Calm pre-op nerves: Eucalyptus oil can help calm pre-op nerves.

  • Treat skin conditions: On the skin, eucalyptus oil has been used to treat arthritis, boils, sores, and wounds. It is also used in some insect repellents.

  • Relieve coughing: Eucalyptus oil has been used for many years to relieve coughing. It is used in some over-the-counter cough medications and cough suppressants.

  • Silence a cough and clear chest congestion: Eucalyptus oil can not only silence a cough, but it can also help you get the mucus out of your chest. Inhaling vapor made with the oil can help loosen mucus so that when you do cough, its expelled.

  • Aromatherapy: Eucalyptus oil is often used as an essential oil with a diffuser for aromatherapy health benefits. It can relieve mental exhaustion, enhance spiritual practices, clear nasal passages, and eliminate harmful airborne bacteria.

These are just a few of the many ways eucalyptus oil is used. It is important to note that eucalyptus oil must be diluted before it can be used as medicine, and it should not be used on children under 3.

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