what is eucharistic procession

what is eucharistic procession

1 year ago 37

A Eucharistic procession is a public witness of the veneration towards the most holy Eucharist, conducted through public streets. It is a procession where a consecrated host, which is the real and substantial presence of Jesus Christ: body, blood, soul, and divinity, is placed within a monstrance, which is then lifted and carried by a priest who leads the faithful in procession. The procession is like a pilgrimage that normally starts at one holy place and ends at another, reminding the Catholic faithful of their spiritual journey toward eternal life with God. Eucharistic processions first became a popular practice in the life of the Church during the celebration of Corpus Christi, traditionally celebrated on the Thursday after Trinity Sunday. The procession serves as a reminder to the Catholic faithful of their spiritual journey toward eternal life with God. Different cultures have developed traditions surrounding Eucharistic processions including street decorations, songs, prayers, and other devotions. Eucharistic processions powerfully display the Incarnation, or God becoming human, and thus speak of his merciful love for all who journey to eternal life with him.

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