what is faith

what is faith

1 year ago 38

Faith is a concept that is central to Christianity and the Christian life. While there are many different ways the word faith is used in everyday conversation, the Bible offers a definition that reaches beyond mere belief in something despite lacking any evidence for it. According to Hebrews 11:1, faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen. This means that faith involves confidence or trust in God and His promises.

Faith is not just a belief in Gods existence, but rather a strong conviction that He is trustworthy and faithful. It is the means by which we have a relationship with God and receive the benefits of what Jesus has done for us. By putting our faith in Him, we receive forgiveness for our sins and the gift of eternal life.

Faith has many dimensions, and it is shown by service and obedience to God. It is not just believing in God alone, but also acting on that faith in ones life by serving God and obeying His commandments. Faith is a gift from God, and it begins with Him revealing Himself to us and lovingly persuading us to come to Him. However, God expects us to respond to Him in faith, and it is impossible to please Him without it.

In summary, faith is the trust, assurance, and confidence in God and His promises. It is the means by which we have a relationship with Him and receive the benefits of what Jesus has done for us. Faith involves confidence or trust in God and His character, actions, and promises, as revealed in His Word.

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