what is fartlek training

what is fartlek training

1 year ago 39

Fartlek training is a type of running workout that involves random variations in speed and intensity, alternating between bursts of sprinting and slower recovery jogging. Unlike interval training, which involves sprinting over specific distances, then recovering for specific amounts of time, fartlek training is much looser, leaving the runner to decide when and how long they will sprint or jog for. Fartlek training was first developed in the 1930s in Sweden, and it translates roughly into English as ‘speed play’ . It is especially useful for improving fitness on trails, parks, and similar outdoor spaces.

Fartlek training offers runners of all levels multiple benefits, including:

  • Fun and variation: Fartlek training is a fun and relaxed way to train, and it offers a lot of variation to runners who find plodding the same running route a little dull.
  • Improved speed and endurance: Fartlek training challenges the body to adapt to various speeds, conditioning runners to become faster over longer distances.
  • Psychological benefits: Fartlek training can help runners become more resistant to giving up mentally mid-race, as the body can usually go much longer and faster than the mind would have it believe it can.

Fartlek training can be done anywhere and isn’t considered just a track workout. It works with practically any maintained cardio, from swimming or cycling to running or rowing. Any cardio exercise that involves maintaining a level that can be changed at any point is ideal.

To create a fartlek training, runners can follow these tips:

  • Pace: Fartlek training involves varying your pace throughout your run, alternating between fast segments and slow jogs.
  • Unstructured: Fartlek training is unstructured speedwork, so runners can switch up their pace whenever they want.
  • Variation: Fartlek training is all about changing things up and being unpredictable, only doing what you want and can manage by playing with speed.
  • Goal: Runners may not necessarily have a goal in mind, and just want to increase endurance without restricting pressure.
  • Location: Fartlek workouts are versatile and can be done on the road using a...
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