what is fasting in the bible

what is fasting in the bible

1 year ago 38

Fasting in the Bible refers to abstaining from food and drink for a specific period of time in order to focus on God and draw closer to Him. Fasting is mentioned throughout the Old and New Testaments of the Bible, over fifty times. In the Old Testament, fasting was often a way of expressing grief or a means of humbling oneself before the Lord. In the New Testament, it was a means to grow closer to God through meditating and focusing on Him. Jesus Himself fasted for 40 days in the wilderness.

Fasting is designed to humble us and help us draw closer to God. It is not a form of penance or a way to attain favor with God through self-imposed suffering. During a fast, many people read the Bible, pray, or worship. Fasting requires intense focus on the reasons for the fast and on listening to God during this period of time.

Fasting is a way to demonstrate the depth of ones desire when praying for something. It shows that one is serious enough about their prayer request to pay a personal price. Fasting is also a means of humbling oneself before God. It is often accompanied by other signs of humility and brokenness, such as weeping, mourning, and lamenting, as well as wearing sackcloth and sitting in ashes.

There are different types of fasts, including a complete fast where one abstains from all food and drink, a partial fast where one abstains from certain foods or drinks, and a juice fast where one only drinks juice for a period of time. When fasting, it is important to set aside specific and significant time to worship and seek God in prayer.

In summary, fasting in the Bible is a spiritual discipline that involves abstaining from food and drink for a specific period of time in order to focus on God, grow closer to Him, and seek His guidance and will[[3]](https://assets.speakcdn.com/assets/1927/prayer_f...

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