what is federal civilian employment

what is federal civilian employment

1 year ago 30

Federal civilian employment refers to employment by the federal government of the United States, excluding members of the armed services. Federal civilian employees work for either the executive, legislative, or judicial branch of government and perform a wide variety of jobs within these branches. They are entitled to pay in accordance with the General Schedule provided in section 5332 of title 5 of the federal government, and their pay and raises are determined by the president and Congress rather than merit or any commission basis.

Here are some key points about federal civilian employment:

  • Federal civilian employees are employed by the federal government and not members of the armed services.
  • They work for either the executive, legislative, or judicial branch of government and perform a wide variety of jobs within these branches.
  • Federal contractors who work for the government on a regular basis do not qualify as federal employees.
  • Pay for federal employees is set based on a schedule which is overseen by the Office of Personnel Management.
  • Active duty military members or experience working for a private contractor of the U.S. government do not qualify as Federal positions for this purpose.
  • Federal employees with competitive status can apply to merit promotion (government-wide) positions and positions open to everyone on USAJOBS.
  • Prior federal employees with competitive status may be eligible for reinstatement.
  • Current or prior federal employees without competitive status can apply for positions that are open to the public or open to federal employees – excepted service.
  • The term "civilian employee" means a person employed by the Federal Government, including a person entitled to basic pay in accordance with the General Schedule provided in section 5332 of title 5 or a similar basic pay schedule of the Federal Government.

In summary, federal civilian employment refers to employment by the federal government of the United States, excluding members of the armed services. Federal civilian employees work for either the executive, legislative, or judicial branch of government and perform a wide variety of jobs within these branches. They are entitled to pay in accordance with the General Schedule provided in section 5332 of title 5 of the federal government, and their pay and raises are determined by the president and Congress rather than merit or any commission basis.

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