what is fibroscan of liver

what is fibroscan of liver

1 year ago 33

A FibroScan is a non-invasive diagnostic device used to measure liver scarring or fibrosis caused by a number of liver diseases. It is a medical device that helps determine the health of the liver and is similar to undergoing an ultrasound of the liver. FibroScan uses advanced ultrasound technology called transient elastography to measure liver stiffness, which indicates whether or not scarring is present and the extent of the scarring. It is a quick, painless, and easy outpatient test that provides a non-surgical alternative to the traditional liver biopsy to assess liver damage. FibroScan is used to detect liver fibrosis, which can indicate the presence and extent of liver damage or liver disease. The test measures the amount of fibrosis or scarring of tissues in the liver and can be used alone or with other tests such as biopsy, blood tests, and ultrasounds to see how much scarring there is on the liver. The results are measured using kiloPascal’s (or kPa) and range from 2 to 75, with the normal range for a FibroScan being between 2 to 7 kPa. The average normal result is 5.3 kPa, and the result varies based on the liver disease. Scarring has four stages: F0 means no scarring, F1 is mild fibrosis, F2 is moderate fibrosis, F3 is severe fibrosis, and F4 is cirrhosis or advanced fibrosis. The FibroScan is a non-invasive way to gauge the health of the liver and determine what stage of liver disease a patient and their care team might be up against.

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