what is figi

what is figi

1 year ago 43

The Financial Instrument Global Identifier (FIGI) is an open standard, unique identifier of financial instruments that can be assigned to instruments including common stock, options, derivatives, futures, corporate and government bonds, municipals, currencies, and mortgage products. It is a 12-character alpha-numerical code that does not contain information characterizing financial instruments, but serves for uniform unique global identification. FIGI is a framework that standardizes the way financial securities are globally identified, offering coverage across all global asset classes, real-time availability, and flexibility for use in multiple functions. It establishes an open, universal, and comprehensive system for naming financial instruments, helping institutions shift resources from redundant data management and reconciliation activities to enhancing client service and pursuing growth opportunities. FIGI has been adopted in the market data feeds of various exchanges and is applicable to all financial instruments across all asset classes in the financial sector, providing a consistent identifier available for regulatory reporting, regardless of jurisdiction. It is an established global standard issued under the guidelines of the Object Management Group (OMG), an international, non-profit standards consortium. Bloomberg L.P. is the Registration Authority and Certified Provider of the standard, and FIGIs have been created for more than 300 million unique securities, representing most asset classes of the financial markets.

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