what is first aid training

what is first aid training

1 year ago 39

First aid training is a course that teaches individuals how to provide assistance in times of crisis, allowing them to care for people in crisis as they wait for medical professionals to arrive. First aid training is designed to help non-medical professionals provide assistance in a wide range of conditions, including asthma emergencies, anaphylaxis, burns, choking, diabetic emergencies, external bleeding and severe trauma, environmental emergencies, heart attack, poisoning, neck, head and spinal injuries, stroke, and seizure. The training typically covers information on administering CPR and using AEDs, allowing individuals to become certified in all three (first aid, CPR, and AED) in one convenient class.

First aid training can be taken in different formats, including in-person, online, and blended learning. In-person classes are delivered in a traditional classroom setting and combine lecture with hands-on skills sessions, culminating with testing, which allows participants to receive a two-year certification. Online classes are available and allow individuals to learn at their own pace, but do not allow them to demonstrate their skill proficiency to a certified instructor. Blended learning combines online work with hands-on skills sessions, delivering the latest information in the format that suits individuals best.

First aid training is important because it gives individuals the ability to help those in need, providing them with the best opportunity for a positive outcome and giving them the opportunity to change someones life for the better. The first aid training and certification process takes just a few hours to complete, but can help individuals deliver the care that someone needs while waiting for medical professionals to arrive. When individuals successfully complete any of the in-person or blended learning courses, they receive a two-year certification, as well as access to refreshers that can help them maintain their skills throughout their certification period.

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