what is fitness bread

what is fitness bread

1 year ago 39

Fitness bread is a type of bread that is made from whole grains, including wheat germ, rye, and oat kernels. It is a pre-sliced, vacuum-sealed, super-dense block of bread that is known for its long shelf-life without preservatives. Fitness bread is also high in fiber, iron, and potassium, and contains four grams of protein per slice. It is ideal for a cholesterol-conscious diet and is filling. Fitness bread is often described as a "try-hard bread" that is larger than other loaves and has a tendency to over-compensate. It is also known for being a bit of a pain to deal with, as it requires some effort to figure out how to incorporate it into ones diet. Fitness bread is often eaten as a vehicle for nut butters or as a cheese melt.

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