what is food hygiene

what is food hygiene

1 year ago 337

Food hygiene is a set of practices and guidelines that aim to minimize biological food hazards through safe and clean operations to protect public health

. It is an important part of food safety and ensures the health and well-being of consumers

. Food hygiene involves the following aspects:

  1. Personal Hygiene : This includes washing hands before and after handling food, wearing clean clothes and hairnets, and avoiding contact with food if you have any open wounds or cuts
  1. Sanitation and Cleaning Practices : Proper sanitation and cleaning practices are essential to prevent foodborne illnesses
  1. Food Handling : Food hygiene focuses on implementing food safety measures while maintaining cleanliness and orderliness in food preparation and manufacturing
  1. Storage : Proper storage of food is crucial to prevent spoilage and contamination
  1. Education and Training : Food hygiene aims to provide education and training on proper and safe food handling for people involved in food preparation and manufacturing
  1. Shelf Life : Maintaining and extending food shelf life through clean processing helps prevent food spoilage due to contamination caused by unhygienic working practices

Food hygiene is essential in various industries, including food manufacturing, catering services, and restaurants, to ensure the safety and quality of food products

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